Annual Student Conference 2018

Empowering and Inspiring Youth for the Future



The next Queen’s College Student Conference is scheduled for February 8 – 9, 2018


The QCAANY is thrilled to host its 2018 Queen’s College Student Conference (QCSC) at Queen’s College in Guyana.  Started in October 2014, this now highly anticipated event is an integral part of the QCAANY’s Youth Development Effort.  Tapping the deep and rich talents of QC Alumni and friends in Guyana and New York, this event brings together seasoned, accomplished alumni with bright, highly motivated Guyanese youth for two days of student-centered workshops, mentoring and camaraderie.


The Career Fair Returns to the 2018 QCSC!


Goals of QCSC

For Students:

  • – Increase in subject-area knowledge
  • – Improved access to alumni mentoring and other resources
  • – Exposure to supplemental information and soft-skills training
  • – Focused preparation for post-secondary life
  • – Development of teambuilding skills through group activities
  • – Broad exposure to diverse industries and careers

Students participate in group activity during a “Digital Citizenship” workshop.

For Volunteers:

  • – Share life and career experience
  • – Opportunity to give back to Guyanese youth and cultivate the next generation of leaders and innovators

Volunteer and QC alumnus Kurt Skeete serves as mentor for a team innovation project

Featured Project – Lictor Live


Lictor Live was the winning proposal from the October 2015 entrepreneurial activity.  


The team ‘s motivation and responsiveness continues to be inspiring. Since that time, the team has initiated a school club appropriately named Lictor Live, and their Facebook Page is already live with reports on events in the school.


We are proud to announce that Lictor Live will present a workshop on photography to fellow students at the 2018 QCSC this year.

The team’s constitution for its club states the following: “The Lictor Live Club aims to furnish students with the ethics, skills and proper techniques used to create, write and produce material for an online newsletter. This club also serves to inform the active student body, past students and teachers of school events, current topics and general school information.”

QCSC By The Numbers:

Since October 2014:

  • 635: Students attended
  • 8: Schools (including QC) served 
  • 46: Workshops presented
  • 92: Volunteers gave of their time
  • 170: Individual and corporate donations and sponsorships made this possible

QCSC In The News

Capitol News Clip
QC Alumni NY Inc  to Host Student Conference

QCSC Sponsors


Special Thanks

A very special thanks to the Ms. Jackie Benn, the  Headmistress of Queen’s College, for warmly welcoming alumni and friends to her institution.  Her leadership,  thoughtfulness, and collaborative spirit are key to making this conference the success that it has become.


The faculty and administration of Queen’s College are to be commended for teaming with us to make the students’ experience a very positive one.  Special thanks to the Board of Governors and Chairman Alfred Granger for paving a path for a successful conference in the school.


We would like to acknowledge the students from the University of Guyana’s Faculty of Health Sciences who served as volunteers throughout the 2018 student conference and whose efforts contributed to a professionally run conference. 


We are deeply grateful for all of the Guyanese businesses and professionals who made our first ever Career Fair at the 2018 QCSC a HUGE success.  THANK YOU!


We are grateful to the Ministry of Education for consistently supporting our efforts to improve the educational experience of our students.  


None of this would be possible without the support of  QCAANY’s members and friends. Thank you! 


Useful Links

Make a Gift

STUDENTS:  Register online for  2018 Student Conference


SPONSORS: Learn about Sponsorship opportunities


BUSINESSES LOCATED IN GUYANA: Register to participate in the QCSC Career Fair


IMPACT: Learn about the real impact of the QCSC



2015 Student Conference Brochure